The last couple of days we noticed what looked like slush out on the ocean. When we woke up yesterday, the ocean was covered in snow and big sheets of ice had piled up on the shore. It is a pretty amazing sight to see the ocean in the process of freezing. We have had some pretty cold weather (obviously)--enough that some of the smaller lakes in the area have frozen and kids are actually ice skating (which looks like fun--I'm jealous). Somebody drove their Honda across one of the lakes and it went through the ice. There must have been no way to get it out because it is still there, and probably will be for the rest of the winter. We drove down to an area that we had never been before and walked down to the shore. The tide was really low and the rocks were COVERED with about an inch of ice. Since the sun was out, the rocks were sparkling like diamonds. We were so mad that we forgot to bring the camera. Lesson learned--keep your camera on you at all times. Anyway, we will have to try to get a picture of that before the winter is over.

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