Team Pader in Alaska

Monday, August 29, 2005

Alaska Driver's license put to use.....

We finally got our four wheeler today!!! It was supposed to be here about a week ago, but with all the smoke and no planes coming or going, the delivery was delayed. We are actually really lucky because our friends, Heidi and Damon ordered theirs at the same time, and it was dropped while it was being loaded, and is now----BROKEN, totaled, DEMOLISHED!!--so in the fifty-fifty chance scheme of things--we were lucky. Below, the Honda is being unloaded from the plane (the biggest plane we have seen land here so far).

And, here it is....It aint no Dodge (although Nick is considering bigger tires)--

Notice the glow--We went on a nice long ride--It is so nice to be able to explore all the trails and roads around the village. It is so beautiful! We went to one of the beaches and looked for razor clams to possibly dig in the future. We saw a couple of small ones, but will need to wait for a much lower tide. We also finally got our receiver (so that we can actually get T.V.) We haven't watched television since the end of June. Crazy, I know...

Anyway, all is well! We miss you all very much--Thanks for all the emails, they keep us smiling :)


At 6:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Big toys for big boys (and girls, too). Bet you'll have lots of fun on that but don't get too lazy - Nick still needs the exercise of hiking or you know what will happen....

At 8:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

We love you! Look both ways before crossing the street or the caribou will get you. -Betsy

And get me some seal skins... bitch. -Greg


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