Yep, that is what we look like anytime we head outside for any period of time. I compare it to suiting up for scuba diving. When you are finished dressing, you can barely turn your head because of all the gear you have on. In order not to freeze off any body parts you have to cover every inch of your face (we even wear goggles). If you take off your gloves your hands actually start to hurt. We bought Sorrels before coming up here that were rated for minus 40, but apparently that is not enough. Our feet were getting too cold (apparently the 40 below rating is only if you are moving), so we took a page out of Damon's book and bought "Bunny Boots" which is what they issue to the military. I don't know what they are rated for, but they are REALLY warm. The weather has been below zero just about every day. Today it was nine below, and with wind chill it has been as low as minus twenty. We are still trying to get outside for rides as much as possible.