Happy Birthday to Nick!! Nick is once again 24 years old (and change). We celebrated by visiting friends in a village just north of Unalakleet called Shaktoolik. On the way there we had the scariest experience yet on a bush plane. We hit turbulence like neither of us had ever experienced. I fully expected that we were going to crash--the pilot actually said that it was the worst she had ever seen it. She also said that turbulence is just like driving on a bumpy road. Well, when you are staring down at the ocean dropping 100 feet at a time, that isn't really what is going through your mind. Anyway, we did arrive safely in Shaktoolik, and Jake and Kelly showed us a great time. We rented snowmachines for the day and took a ride into the mountains--where we actually saw trees!!!! I know. Trees. Really.

Snowmachines are definately a blast--we will be investing in some for next year.

One of the neatest things about the trip was that we got to see an old abandoned mining camp. It was like walking into a museum--These cabins were left with all of the things used by the miners and their families.

This is the view of one of the cabins from the inside. You can see the beds, and a pair of old snowshoes hanging on the wall.

It even has an old singer sewing machine! The paper plates were a new addition--and had to do with our lunch.

One of the cabins had an old trunk of books and textbooks used by children. Obviously there were families who were home schooled, as their school work and letters were still intact.

We also stopped by an old, abandoned mining dredge.

There are still tools hanging on the walls.

It is kind of hard to see, but there is actually a beaver dam that has been built inside the dredge.

Below, Jake and Lance show that the dredge is no longer operational. At all.

And, finally a climbing mission. You can see how large the cups are that sifted through the river bottom, trying to find gold.

We had an amazing time in Shaktoolik. Thanks Jake, Kelly, and Lance!!