Well, with the darkness closing in faster and faster, we decided to start some projects to stay busy. I decided to make ice-fishing poles. Basically, using the superior knowledge of RJ, master carpenter, I crafted some poles (and even had to use some heavy machinery along the way--supervised of course)!! So, while I was making my dad proud, Nick was making a backboard for the Honda. Below is the shop at the school, and some pictures of our projects!

The finished poles below are basically two sticks with notches in the end. You then wrap fishing line around the notches and braid some yarn onto the line to attract the fish. One of the sticks is used to bring the line out of the water once you feel a bite. (Hey Pam--I was thinking about you when I was making the poles--remember how we were going to make fishing poles out of sticks and go camping?? Well, now I know how!!)

The next day we decided to try our hand at actually using the poles. RJ told us to bring the auger to break through the ice, but we figured, how deep could it be?? Well, it was about two and a half feet thick, and after we worked up a sweat trying to get a good sized hole in the ice (and by "we," I mean Nick)--we were sorely missing the auger. Always, always listen to RJ.

Although we didn't show it, we were able to both fish the same hole simultaneously. We called it ice combat fishing. Ahhhh, how we miss the Barrier Dam.