Hey folks, It's been a while, but we're still trying to get over the shock of the fact that our baby is without a doubt, an alien. It's hard to believe, but a picture is worth a thousand words, and I have only three words....... intergallactic child support.

And all those times I laughed and mocked the rednecks and their stories of UFO's and being abducted by aliens......
We'll see who's laughing when my kid's first words are "Take me to your leader"......
The Doc say's "It's normal" but I'm still going to have some sort of weapon on hand when we deliver.... I saw that TV series "V" back in the 80's.... I know how this works!
On a brighter note, there were whales in the other day about 15 feet offshore. These are Gray Whales (or is it Grey Whales... you'd think a Zoologist might know.....) and the Bowheads will be in soon. The locals only hunt the Bowheads, and these Gray's seemed to know it. They milled around eating krill (little shrimp) right in front of town. It was really amazing to be that close.

I thought about getting closer, but I had a flashback to a "When Animals Attack" show I watched and I thought about how nobody ever THINKS they're going to wind up in a "When Animals Attack" show........
Here's Janna at the Will Rogers Monument where his plane crashed. It's about 12 miles down the beach from Barrow.
And here's Janna enjoying her favorite pastime in a field of lovely cottongrass just outside of town.
And of course, Barrow Football. Furthest north football game on the planet! This is the new field. They call it "Smurf Turf" and a Florida woman named Cathy Parker raised over 1/2 million to build it. It's pretty incredible to see a football game on fieldturf over one shoulder and whales in the arctic ocean over the other. ESPN came out and filmed the game..... must seem crazy to folks in the lower 48, but it all seems normal up here.
And should you win the game, you get a free swim in the arctic ocean. Water temperatures are in the mid 30's in the summer..........
And no, nobody tried to harpoon me.........

This is the sun "almost setting" right at midnight when we first got here in early August.

I guess that's all the pics for now. We'll keep you posted on the baby and everything else.
Miss you all,